Equal opportunity for individuals with disabilities
Contact Michael Hellmann, ADA Specialist, mhellmann@wilc.org or call 914-682-3926 (voice), 914-259-8036 (VP).
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) gives civil rights protections to individuals with disabilities similar to those provided to individuals on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, age, and religion.
WILC provides Americans with Disabilities (ADA) consultations to consumers, businesses and other covered entities. Any question is welcome, whether it concerns slope of wheelchair ramps, parking requirements, restroom dimensions, and other requirements under the ADA for persons who have visual disabilities or who are deaf.

The law can be complicated, so we are glad to provide you with explanations, diagrams, or other related resources. It is important to have an ADA consultation to determine the proper amount of barrier removal that must be undertaken. Under the ADA, different levels of barrier removal are required depending upon the building situation, such as new construction, alteration or existing facility.
The ADA Specialist at WILC has over 20 years of experience with accessibility issues. The specialist can provide you with equal access information including technical specifications and recommendations to ensure that you avoid possible liability for non-compliance and is available for telephone consultation, walk-through inspections and referrals.