High-need Medicaid beneficiary rent subsidy & transitional housing support
Contact Michele Bianchi, Rapid Transition Housing Program, mbianchi@wilc.org or call 914-682-3926 (voice), 914-259-8036 (VP).
The Rapid Transition Housing Program (RTHP) is a statewide program to establish a rental subsidy and supportive housing services for high-need Medicaid beneficiaries and those who are defined by a hospital, managed care organization (MCO), medical respite, performing provider system (PPS) or skilled nursed facility as a homeless high-utilizer.

- Having two or more inpatient stays in the past 12 months; or
- Having five or more emergency department (ED) visits in the past 12 months; or
- Having four or more ED visits and one or more inpatient stay in the past 12 months; or
- Having stayed or currently in a skilled nursing facility (SNF) within the past 12 Months; or
- Be within the top 20% of Medicaid recipients’ spending relative to the county of fiscal responsibility and target population parameters (e.g., an asthma recipient in Westchester has base period spending of more than 80% of the asthma Medicaid population in that county).
Documentation Needed To Meet Eligibility
- E-paces showing active Medicaid
- Written verification of physical disability & two chronic conditions by an MD
- Proof of homelessness/unstably housed
- Proof of identity
- Current Award letter/income statements to meet HUD FY Extremely Low Income
- Proof of ED visits/hospitalizations/SNF stay to show high utilization*
Under RTHP, each participant is assigned a Housing Specialist (HS) and Independent Living Specialist (ILS) who assist in locating and subsidizing housing, as well as help get needed services and supports in place to ensure success in their new home. RTHP also assists with community transitional services, which include security deposits, moving expenses, utility payments, and household establishment purchases.
The RTHP is a statewide program. WILC covers the entire Lower Hudson Valley which includes Ulster, Dutchess, Sullivan, Orange, Putnam, Rockland and Westchester counties.
The RTHP subsidy is modeled after the Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) and Olmstead Housing Subsidy program in that the individual will be required to pay 30% of their monthly income, less allowances, and the individual’s name will be on the lease. There is also funding available for “community transition services” which can include security deposits, moving expenses, utility payments and household establishment purchases.